Prezados visitantes do RentMen, EROS_ALEXANDER escolheu responder 8 perguntas da entrevista que foram atualizadas pela última vez em 31 Mar 2019


  • Como você dá o melhor na sua vida?
    I'm starting my next chapter in life here in Los Angeles after living in another major cosmopolitan city for 17 years. It definitely has its challenges at times but I strongly believe in Positivity and Divinity. I always try to remain as positive as possible and try overcome each and every challenge daily as easily as possible with peace and a positive mind.
  • Qual é o seu "nicho"?
    That I am authentic, always myself and drama free.
  • Conte-nos sobre a melhor experiência que você teve na vida.
    The best experience I have had in my life honestly is almost losing my life back in 2013 due to major illness. Sounds strange, but for as bad as it was, I came out of it with a much different perspective on life and also with myself. I'm a SURVIVOR and am so lucky and grateful to be alive. It was truly the most humbling and life changing experience I have ever gone through.
  • Conte-nos um pouco sobre si mesmo, se você fosse escolher algo, o que você gostaria que os outros absolutamente soubessem sobre você?
    That I'm just a big ol goof who loves to laugh and have a great time. I'm easy going and chill and live my life each day to the fullest.
  • O que o distingue de todas as outras pessoas que você conhece?
    That I'm honest and truthful and tell it how it is. I pride myself on being a leader and not a follower.
  • O que você mais gosta em si mesmo?
    That I am my own individual and that I love the man that I have become in my life. If you can't love yourself, how the hell can you love anyone else? #selflove
  • Quais são 5 coisas que você não pode viver sem?
    1. My family
    2. Working out
    3. Sex
    4. Gratitude
    5. My PS4
  • Se nós sentamos na praia e bebemos vinho e comemos boa comida só você e eu, o que você iria me dizer sobre você e sua vida?
    I would tell you that I love my life and live each day in gratitude. I feel incredibly blessed to be alive and to have had the experiences I have had. I've been so lucky to travel the world and experience new cultures, meet fantastic people and experience new adventures that have molded me into the man I am today.