Prezados visitantes do RentMen, HairyMuscleDad escolheu responder 9 perguntas da entrevista que foram atualizadas pela última vez em 26 Feb 2019


  • Quais são 5 coisas que você não pode viver sem?
    sex, flannel shirts , a dog , a greasy burger and a witty comeback
  • O que o distingue de todas as outras pessoas que você conhece?
    My level of patience and understanding .
  • Quais são seus hobbies, o que você gosta de fazer em seu tempo livre?
    I’m my spare time I like to walk around NYC and observe everything around me without having my face buried in a cell phone, it’s great excercise and you learn SO much . Plus I get off when a handsome guy looks at me and smiles as we pass.
  • Que tipo de regime de dieta e fitness você segue?
    I workout 6 days a week and eat whatever I want .
  • O que você diria que são suas maiores qualidades e especialidades?
    I’ve never solely relied on my physical attributes to make someone’s fantasy a reality . I work hard and I take my role seriously. No, I’m not curing cancer , but I provide an amazing , connected , and passionate experience for the men who put their trust in me .
  • Se nós sentamos na praia e bebemos vinho e comemos boa comida só você e eu, o que você iria me dizer sobre você e sua vida?
    I would say life doesn’t get better than this . Also that I’ve lived my life so far as honesty as I could and I don’t feel the need to leave any “legacy” but that I would like people to remember me and say “ yea he was a good guy “
  • Como você dá o melhor na sua vida?
    I’m the guy who needs everyone around him to be happy and feel good about themselves . To that end I will do just about anything to make that happen .
  • Conte-nos sobre a melhor experiência que você teve na vida.
    Having the honor to participate in Carnaval in Saô Paulo , Brasil in 1996 as part of a samba school. It was without a doubt the most unabashedly joyful experience I’ve ever had . I still have the costume , feathers and all .
  • O que você mais gosta em si mesmo?
    I enjoy the fact that I look for good in everyone I meet . I don’t get bogged down by negativity and I always strive to live my life by the “ Golden Rule “