Prezados visitantes do RentMen, Lucas_Frenchy escolheu responder 9 perguntas da entrevista que foram atualizadas pela última vez em 07 Mar 2020


  • O que o distingue de todas as outras pessoas que você conhece?
    My smile.
  • Conte-nos um pouco sobre si mesmo, se você fosse escolher algo, o que você gostaria que os outros absolutamente soubessem sobre você?
    I care; I really do.
  • Com que frequência você viaja? Você prefere viajar ou você é mais um casero?
    Well I'm French and here I am in Australia. I think that's pretty obvious ! I used to live in Barcelona, and I've traveled around Europe and the USA.

    I tend to prefer have the time to experience a place, stay somewhere for more than a few weeks, even maybe some months. That way, I can connect with the locals and discover the place through their eyes. But also, make my own discoveries for what I want to experience every day.
  • Quais são as especificidades de seu estilo de vida que fazem quem você é?
    I'm flexible as water: I keep my options open and navigate my life spontaneously. And it's about keeping an open-mind, seizing opportunities and listening to my desire.

    And I'm certainly people-driven: that's what matter to me the most, people, and how we are able to connect and exchange as human beings.
  • Quais são seus hobbies, o que você gosta de fazer em seu tempo livre?
    I have recently finished a bachelor in photography, so more than a hobby, it has become part of who I am. Alongside my camera, I enjoy acting and dancing quite al lot, and overall thinking of new things to create.

    I like to go to the movies on my own, even if sometime I keep away from it for longer than I'd wished!

    Sharing a drink or a cup of a tea with someone and talk about anything and everything is still one of my favorite activity overall.

    Oh and food. Food is definitely a hobby !
  • Se nós sentamos na praia e bebemos vinho e comemos boa comida só você e eu, o que você iria me dizer sobre você e sua vida?
    I would talk about my travels, my friends, this last super interesting article I've read online, music, art, movie, my views on life... I'd also ask you about your life, your day. I like to navigate between the light and the meaningful, laughter and reflection.
  • O que os outros deveriam saber absolutamente sobre você?
    I'm teasing and playful: I love to make jokes and I think humor is something that brings people together. So be warn: I'll make you laugh ! And being playful is quite a turn on in the bedroom as well.

    I'd like to say I'm also quite accessible: I don't like to play mind games and thus I'm pretty honest in what I give.
  • O que você mais gosta em si mesmo?
    I love my social self, I put people at ease and I feel like I'm able to get intimate with people easily. That's part of the reason I love my job.

    Also I'm proud of being able to reinvent myself often. I've lived in several countries, took part if lots of different activities, and I'm not planning on stoping !

    Physically speaking, I'm quite fan of my big atheltic legs and my killer eyebrows !
  • Quais são 5 coisas que você não pode viver sem?
    Passionate conversation
    Meaningful connections
    The thrill of adventures
    Sensual sex sessions
    Laughing out loud