Prezados visitantes do RentMen, Woofyman escolheu responder 11 perguntas da entrevista que foram atualizadas pela última vez em 05 Aug 2023


  • Conte-nos um pouco sobre si mesmo, se você fosse escolher algo, o que você gostaria que os outros absolutamente soubessem sobre você?
    Integrity holds paramount importance in my life. I firmly believe that those who seek to be part of my inner circle must embody unwavering honesty. Individuals who struggle to uphold truthfulness even in seemingly insignificant matters are likely to encounter challenges in maintaining integrity throughout their various interactions.
  • Conte-nos sobre a melhor experiência que você teve na vida.
    During several summers, I embarked on a transformative journey traversing our splendid country, contributing my efforts to various national parks. From the awe-inspiring Yellowstone to the serene Olympia National Forest and the enchanting Everglades, each of these destinations left an indelible mark on my life. The majesty of these parks, coupled with the diverse array of individuals I encountered during my travels, bestowed upon me an invaluable and enriching experience.
  • O que você gostaria que seus leitores soubessem sobre você que é único e até um pouco pessoal?
    Having been raised in a rural environment with distant neighbors and being the sole child of my family, I had ample opportunities to spend time in solitude. Fueled by a vivid imagination and the capacity to self-amuse, I found contentment in such solitary moments. Presently, I continue to derive great satisfaction from engaging in personal hobbies and immersing myself in new movies and music within the comforts of my home.
  • Quais são seus hobbies, o que você gosta de fazer em seu tempo livre?
    I am a geek at heart. I've had a computer of one kind or another since 1977 (TRS-80 Model One.) These days I am conquering the smart home. Well it's nearly conquering me really. lol. I have found a way to make all these smart devices work together. It takes a lot of time and patience, but at my age, I have certainly learned patience.
  • Se nós sentamos na praia e bebemos vinho e comemos boa comida só você e eu, o que você iria me dizer sobre você e sua vida?
    While my life has had its ups and downs, I would not go back and change anything. All of the experiences, positive and challenging, make me who I am today. Today my life is easy and uncomplicated. I savor every new day and experience with the same enthusiasm a wine connoisseur has for a new vintage.
  • O que você diria que são suas maiores qualidades e especialidades?
    Integrity and loyalty.
  • O que você faz para se divertir?
    I am learning all about home automation. Trying to get all these devices to work together is like herding cats. Also, movies, music and mayhem.
  • O que o distingue de todas as outras pessoas que você conhece?
    I possess a high degree of empathy, enabling me to intuitively discern the unspoken needs and desires of others, often before they themselves become fully aware of them. This skill proves particularly valuable in intimate contexts such as sexual encounters.
  • O que os outros deveriam saber absolutamente sobre você?
    I am laid back and easy to get along with. Just be honest and PLEASE do not refer to body parts in the feminine. (boipu$$y or mancun+)
  • O que você mais gosta em si mesmo?
    I deeply cherish the liberation and openness I experience in my sexual expression. Regrettably, numerous individuals are hindered by personal inhibitions, which impede their ability to explore novel and adventurous experiences within their sexuality.
  • Quais são 5 coisas que você não pode viver sem?
    I CAN live without everything but the necessities. Do I want to, hell no. Phone, Music, Family, a few close friends, and strange.